✖ Watchmen‘s VFX artists have revealed how they created Looking Glass‘s mask. The talented team had an impossible task on their hands in making Tim Blake Nelson look like he was walking around with a literal mirror on his face. ...

✖ In a pre-coronavirus world, San Diego Comic-Con would have taken place in a matter of weeks. With the event canceled for the first time in decades, the studios, publishers, and vendors are stepping up to the plate so that ...

✖ Sony has revealed the PlayStation Store’s newest “Deal of the Week,” which discounts a big PS4 game to just $10. Right now, the new releases over on the PlayStation Store have slowed down considerably. There are some noteworthy releases ...

If you have been keeping up with Haikyuu!! lately, then there’s a good chance you have felt that the end is near. Thanks to a new report teasing what’s to come for the next few chapters of the series, fans ...

✖ Harry Melling is no stranger to playing the bully or villain. In fact, his best known role to date is the one which called for him to grow up in cinema as the nasty cousin of Harry Potter in ...

✖ One of the smartest members of Naruto’s ninja class was definitely Shikamaru, the shadow manipulating tactical genius who was able to ascend the ranks of “ninja-dom” faster than any of his classmates, and now the Naruto franchise is giving ...

Kurt Angle is definitely considered to be one of the greatest wrestlers of all time within the roster of World Wrestling Entertainment, having retired from the ring but still making appearances as part of the show from time to time, ...

While the spotlight this weekend will certainly be on the highly-anticipated Hamilton movie, Lin-Manuel Miranda’s beloved musical isn’t the only new arrival on Disney+ that subscribers will be excited about. Also making its way to Disney’s streaming service this weekend ...

✖ Michael B. Jordan is bringing free drive-in movies to multiple U.S. cities. The Creed and Black Panther star has partnered with Amazon Studios to give people a nice venue to see some classic movies. Don’t worry Marvel fans, the ...

The storyline on WWE television in recent weeks between Jeff Hardy and Sheamus has been criticized from many different corridors of the wrestling world. Although WWE often times likes to work threads of reality into their scripted stories, there are ...