Jupiter has covered in eternal clouds and storms, but researchers now have the chance to examine interesting details about the planet. These observations can be made thanks to a new array that is formed by three powerful tools. The Juno ...

In certain regions of the world, access to safe and potable water is not always guaranteed. Students from the School of Advanced Digital Technologies (ETNA) in France developed the WellCheck project. It is a low-cost sensor for assessing water quality. ...

The growing popularity of the Zoom video call service during the Covid-19 crisis did not go unnoticed by hackers. As with any product and application that has enjoyed tremendous success, hackers are on the lookout to take advantage of the ...

Researchers in cattle farming at Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BC, are turning to West Coast algae to tackle cattle methane production and combat climate change. Studies in Australia and California have shown that a strain of algae can increase methane ...

Vestibulum vestibulum viverra leo, ac placerat erat egestas eu. Nulla suscipit leo et euismod ultrices. Mauris commodo metus id libero convallis. Cras finibus magna ornare neque pellentesque pellentesque. Vestibulum ac turpis vel nulla varius dapibus. Etiam sed euismod justo. Vivamus ...

Meteorites that crashed on Earth billions of years ago contain sugars, researchers say, supporting the idea that asteroids can contain some of the ingredients for life. An international team of scientists found “bio-essential” sugars in meteorites, which also contain other ...

When it comes to exploring new options for solving a problem, Capuchin and Rhesus monkeys show more cognitive flexibility than humans, say US scientists. Explanations. Humans live in complex environments and inevitably have to rely on incomplete information to make ...

In a world where diets and weight loss programs are easily accessible online or through apps, healthcare professionals are worried about these solutions that tackle a problem of great complexity, learned Grocery . Last August, WW (formerly Weight Watchers) launched ...

Before a bacterium divides, there is an accumulation of mechanical stress in the cell wall, at the very place where it will separate, found Swiss scientists. Bacteria are among the first forms of life to appear on the surface of ...

Accused of making repairs to its devices difficult or inaccessible, Apple says their repair service actually runs on a deficit, implying that it does not act in this way to make more money, but to ensure a Reliable and safe ...